Testing and Competitions
Testing Structure Updates from USFSA. To access the latest test requirements, please visit the Rules and Bylaws page on the U.S. Figure Skating website.
If you are interested in testing for the next level, there are several locations and dates to choice from throughout the year. The test structure, considered the foundation of U.S. Figure Skating, determines a skater's competition level. Test sessions featuring panels of U.S. Figure Skating officials are hosted by clubs across the country and offer skaters the opportunity to highlight their abilities and advance to the next level. When a skater passes the final test in a given pathway, he or she earns the designation of U.S. Figure Skating Gold Medalist. Click HERE to read all about testing.
Please consult your coach as to when you are ready for your next test. There are extra fees involved in testing - both for the test and the additional time for your coach to be present. ​
If you are interested in competing, there are many competitions to pick from and many different events at each one. Here is a list of the competitions our club coaches plan to attend this season:
• Hiawathaland– Rochester, MN: 10/10/24 - 10/13/24
• CFSC Compete USA Competition– Home Club
Comp. 12/7/24
• Northland FS Competition– Duluth, MN 1/16/25-1/19/25
• Badger State Games 1/22/25-1/26/25​​
Please consult with your coach if you would like to compete so you can work on your routines together. There are extra fees involved in competing - both for the competition and the additional time for your coach to be present.